Tapping Into Ultimate Success by Jack Canfield

Tapping is a tool that helps remove obstacles standing in the way of personal success and is founded on the Meridian Tapping theory of acupuncture, based on the energy meridians. Tapping Into Ultimate Success uses physical tapping of the body combined with mental triggers and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) to overcome fears and limitations. Jack Caufield is the co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. This book is a combo DVD and book set.

Chapters in the book include topics for creating success in your life: A New Technique for Creating Success; Removing Fears; Overcoming Limiting Beliefs; Foundations for Success: Responsibility and Forgiveness; Accelerating Success: Tapping for Action and Results; Healing the Past: Removing the Trigger That Slow Your Success; Creating the New You: Tapping for Empowerment and Transformation; Creating New Habits for Success: Tapping to Make Live Easier; Financial Success: Tapping for Money and Prosperity. Chapter checklists and glossary are included.

Throughout the exercises, Caufield combines both negative and positive focus statements for the reader to repeat and use to remove any limiting factors for goal achievement. In one chapter, he even suggests to keep a score card for success, no matter how small, as it is harder to acknowledge personal success than failures. The more your brain is aware of positive energy the less it will be of the negative.

I found it a little hard to follow, and I'm guessing it is because the DVD wasn't present to help with the physical parts of the book. Having said that, the basic principles in Tapping Into Ultimate Success are sound. Many limitations are purely emotional or mental and if you can get through that part, can be easily overcome. Recommended for people who are interested in the Meridian Tapping therapy or are familiar with the energy meridians and would like to use those for personal success.

Book Information:

Disclosure: This book was provided by the publisher and any opinions are my own.


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    Thanks so much!


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