2011 Writer's Market: 90th Anniversary Edition


The 2011 Writer's Market, edited by Robert Lee Brewer, contains listings for where to get published, strategies for writing, and tips for freelancing.

The latest Writer's Market contains not only updated listings for publishing houses for which to write for, but also new information in their "Query Letter Clinic" chapter. For those unfamiliar with the book series, the Writer's Market is a yearly book publication with writing and publishing information useful to all sorts of writers: poets, magazine writers, non-fiction technical writers, novelists, children's book authors, magazine writers, and more. The book will not get you published, per se, but provide the necessary tools to help you get published.

2011 Writer's Market Sections and Overview

The 2011 Writer's Market is broken down into these basic sections: the basics of writing & publishing, beyond the basics, and the actual markets themselves. The basic elements of writing and publishing include the query and cover letters, proposals, and the synopsis. Besides the basics, other topics are covered such as writer's rights and contracts, freelance business writing start-ups, and social media. Since social media is so important, the chapter "Build a Platform" gives great ideas on authors reaching the masses and building and keeping an audience.

The actual markets and agent information are broken down into these categories:
  • Publishing houses & their imprints (listing of the major publishing houses and all their imprints)
  • Literary agents & agencies (who they represent and how to contact them)
  • Book Publishers (what books they publish, their imprints, and how they pay)
  • International book publishers (book publishers from Canada and other countries)
  • Small presses (publishing houses the publish less than 10 books a year)
  • Consumer magazines (the bulk of the book, they are all listed by category or interest)
  • Trade journals (publications that specialize in one industry)
  • Newspapers (dailies/weeklies printed regionally)
  • Screenwriting (writing for television or movies)
  • Playwriting (live theatre)
  • Greeting cards (cards with quick verses - poems, statements, greetings, etc.)
  • Contests & awards (non-fiction, fiction, and fellowship opportunities)
  • Professional organizations (groups that focus on a writing specialty)
The glossary at the back of the book includes all the terms a new writer or seasoned writer needs to know, as well as terms used in the book. The chapter "How Much Should I Charge?" is a report compiled from surveys by members of different writer's and editor's organizations that list what the High/Low/Average pay is either PerHour/PerProject/Other for different freelance or editing work. The personal views section lists three different articles from different writers with advice to other writers.

Tools for Getting Published

The 2011 Writer's Market contains valuable information for any writer embarking on different writing genres, such as magazine writing, novels, and non-fiction trade journal work. The contact information that accompanies the many different publications includes vital information like fax numbers, websites and emails if available, phone numbers, and what their response time is. The preferred method for receiving manuscripts or queries is listed, as well as any tips for getting published with that market. The dollar signs in front of some listings indicate how much that market pays.

Book Information
  • 2011 Writer's Market; edited by Robert Lee Brewer
  • Writer's Digest Books, F + W Media
  • ISBN13: 9781582979489
  • Softcover paperback, 1024 pages
Disclosure: This book was purchased by the author, and any opinions are the author's own.

