Reading Escapism: Mental Health Boost from Stress and Overthinking for Adults

I came across an article today about reading and mental health. The article by MHFA England, The Benefits of Reading for Self-Care, listed six ways reading can boost mental health, but the one that stood out for me was healthy escapism. The other items on the list were digitally detox, cultivate emotional intelligence, boost self-confidence and self-improvement, help to relax, and boost cognitive stimulation.

What are the benefits of reading escapism? For adolescents, it can be a tool for forming the foundation for identity and individualization. There was a even a study on this, link below, that found fictional escapism that includes reading helped to form the building blocks of empathy for young adults as fictional settings puts them in situations similar to real life. For adults, escapism through reading can mentally lift individuals from unpleasant situations for a period of time, kind of like giving your mental health a vacation from reality and overthinking, which can in turn give your body a reboot and refresh.

Below are some links that explore reading escapism and mental health. And after you're done reading all this non-fiction, open up a good story to read. Your brain and body will thank you.

MHFA England: The benefits of reading for self-care.

Paper: Fictional Escapism and Identity Formation: A Duoethnographic Exploration of Stories and Adolescent Development by Cammie J. Lawton and Leia K. Cain.

Abstract: "Almost Like Freedom." Prison Libraries and Reading as Facilitators of Escape by Jane Garner.

Book Therapy blog: Why Fiction as Escapism is Healthy by Fijal Shah.

Renee Shelton
Succotash Book Reviews
Disclosure and More Info: Most books found in the reviews are purchased by me and some have been given to me by publishers or the writers themselves. Some of my large cookbook library collection can be found on The Library Thing, which is a constant work in progress to categorize all my books. All reviews are independent and opinions my own. Any advertising helps support this site. :) Thanks for reading!


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