San Diego Used Bookstore: Escondido Friends of the Library Book Shop

Escondido Library - Friends of the Library Book Shop - San Diego Used Book Store


The Friends of the Library Book Shop is located inside the Escondido Library - once you enter it's on the left past the stairs and restrooms. The Escondido Library is an independent library - meaning it's not connected to the County Library system that many city libraries are in San Diego County. If you check out a book here, you have to return it here. I love everything about this library, from it's wonderful children's section to the periodicals, and the staff in reference are knowledgeable and very helpful.

This bookstore here has it all, and inventory is from generous public donations. And the bookstore itself is fairly large as far as bookstores inside a library goes. The price is very right for used book finds, too (I found 3 cookbooks for $1.50 total). The day I was there, it was busy and the volunteer who was working the desk was super nice answering questions.

Escondido Library states the book shop is a volunteer-run 501(c)3 organization, donations are tax deductible, and if you want a receipt for donations ask Library staff.

Bookstore Info:

Renee Shelton
Succotash Book Reviews
Disclosure and More Info: Most books found in the reviews are purchased by me and some have been given to me by publishers or the writers themselves. Some of my large cookbook library collection can be found on The Library Thing, which is a constant work in progress to categorize all my books. All reviews are independent and opinions my own. Any advertising helps support this site. :) Thanks for reading!


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