Couscous and Other Good Food From Morocco by Paula Wolfert


This was one of those "I cannot believe I don't have this book already" moments when I found a copy at a used bookstore. In case you're not familiar with Paula Wolfert, she's the godmother to all things Mediterranean, and having lived there she brings a not only a wealth of information on the food but brings the region to you in the way she writes about food.

While the book does have an incredible amount of wonderful couscous recipes, there's many other dishes included such as tagines, pastry, salads, vegetables, meat dishes, and more.

The first part of the book details the pantry ingredients used, and describes the spices, herbs, olives, oils and more. If you're looking for a Moroccan cookbook by a food expert on the region, this would be the book to get.

Book Info

  • Title: Couscous and Other Good Food from Morocco by Paula Wolfert.
  • Publisher: Quill: 2001.
  • ISBN: 0060913967
  • Notes: Fantastic book on Moroccan cuisine.
  • Find it: Amazon: Couscous and Other Good Food From Morocco
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Renee Shelton
Succotash Book Reviews
Disclosure and More Info: Most books found in the reviews are purchased by me and some have been given to me by publishers or the writers themselves. Some of my large cookbook library collection can be found on The Library Thing, which is a constant work in progress to categorize all my books. All reviews are independent and opinions my own. Any advertising helps support this site. :) Thanks for reading!


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