Library Lovers Month - February

It's Library Lovers Month in February. Want some ideas on how to support your local library? The Friends & Foundations of California Libraries has listed four great ways to do that.


  • Contribute to your local library - Gifting your library with a magazine subscription, donating books, supporting the library by way of estate planning or donating to your library's Friends group, thinking about your library when charitable giving comes up.

Be a Friend

  • "Be a Friend" of the Friends of the Library - Donating time, books, or funds for the Friends of the Library group at your library. If there is no group, think about starting one up.


  • Volunteer to Help - Volunteer your time for shelving and library maintenance, be there to help after an emergency, consider being a Library Docent or even a reading tutor.


  • Promote Your Library - Social media obviously comes to mind first, but also support your local library issues when elections come up and attend local planning and government meetings to make sure the library's best interest is at heart.


Renee Shelton
Succotash Reviews
Renee Shelton - Sand and Succotash Blog
Twitter: @121degreesC


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