Crazy Sexy Kitchen: Inspiring Cancer Survival Story with Prevention Tips and Recipes

This is a Cookbook of the Week on my Sand and Succotash Blog.

Cancer is a very scary thing and Kris Carr knows all about it. In 2003 she was diagnosed with an incurable form of cancer - stage IV sarcoma. She was 31 years old at the time and just had the shock of her life. Instead of opting to have her liver and both lungs removed and transplanted (that's where the tumors are located in her body) she decided to completely change her life around with specifically how she ate. The product of that change is her Crazy Sexy Cancer story. Crazy Sexy Kitchen is the culmination of her culinary work - creating and testing the recipes, menu planning - with Chef Chad Sarno and all their 150 recipes worth of work.

Read the full review, and learn how she is giving 'free gifts' to the readers who buy the book.


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