Vegan Eats World: Over 250 Vegan Recipes for Savoring the Planet (Ethnic Cuisine Vegan-Style)

Vegan Eats World by Terry Hope Romero

When I heard Vegan Eats World was coming out, I got excited. Namely because of the author, Terry Hope Romero. She always finds a way to turn vegan food into something delicious, gorgeous, and with my personal favorite Vegan Pie in the Sky which she co-authored, creates vegan desserts that cook up perfectly.

Read the full review and try the Harissa Carrot Salad, too.


  1. Not a vegan myself, but that's kind of cool! Maybe I'll check it out anyway! :D

    1. Hi Liesel - that's what I love about Terry's cookbooks - I'm not a vegan but all the recipes I've tried of hers make me forget it's vegan food. LOL


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