Feature and Follow: Hyped Books Worthy of the Fame

Q: What hyped up book do you think was worth all the talk?

A: I have to say, Harry Potter. I remember there was so much press about those books, especially with the first few, and was pleasantly surprised that the words inside were worthy all the hype the books received.

Hosted by Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog.

F&F: First you leave your name here on this post using the linky tools, grab the code under the #FF picture and put it in your post, and then visit as many blogs as you want on the list and tell them “hi” in their comments or respond to their question. If someone follows you, it's courtesy to follow back. It's a great way to see what other book bloggers are reading now, and how they feel about the weekly question.

What hyped up book do you think was worth all the talk?


  1. That was my answer too and the Hunger Games. I heard the hype and loved the books. I'd really ;like to know how JK Rowling did all that!
    bethartfromtheheart.blogspot.com. I love reading so much!
    Have a good weekend Renee!

  2. Yay, Harry Potter!!!

    New follower!
    My Friday Hops.

  3. Yay for Harry Potter! I picked that too!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Harry Potter is <3 <3 <3 Excellent choice!

    My F&F post.

    New follower via GFC! :)

  5. Yup, I agree with you :)
    New follower via GFC :)

    My post - F&F
    Addie @ READioactive

  6. Yes HP!

    New Follower hopping by!
    My ff:

  7. Awesome choice!Love Harry Potter!
    new follower :)

    here's our Follow Friday
    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  8. New Follower via GFC.
    I TOTALLY agree with you.
    Harry Potter is amazing, I've read all the books at least 5 times each.

    Find my F&F @ Between the Lines

  9. New GFC follower

    My F&F - http://bookbloggermom.blogspot.com/2012/09/feature-follow-7.html

  10. That way my answer too! (Yea!). New follower via GFC. My FFs are at Musings on Fantasia and LKHill. Happy Friday! :D

  11. Hopping through. I am so glad that I listened to the hype about HP!
    My Hop

  12. I don't think there is any other series/books that had as much hype at HP. And it definitely deserved all the hype. I still go all fuzzy on the inside when I think of those books.

    Here's my Follow Friday

  13. I love Harry Potter, I honestly can't wait to reread this series and it never gets old. Still effects me as it did the first few times I have read them.

    My FF

  14. Yeah, I think Harry Potter holds a special place in the hearts of people who bother to read it. ;_; I love that series.

    Old follower

  15. So many people have said Harry Potter! Haha I need to read this series. :)

    New follower!

    Here's my FF @ Pink Fluffy Hearts

  16. Harry Potter is totally worth the hype and some more!

    Thanks for stopping by my F&FF. Old follower!

    If you like, please come by and participate in our Night Of The Purple Moon giveaway.



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