Assassin by Matthew Iden

Matthew Iden has become a go-to writer for me when I'm in the mood for a short story. Most people know that David Morrell (yes, that David Morrell) is one of my all-time favorite writers and his many hardcover action thriller books are part of my nightstand library next to my bed. With my kindle and iPhone though, Matthew Iden trumps Morrell and Iden's Assassin is another reason I recommend him for short story adventure.

This is a fantasy tale, set in a long ago time and between two warring kingdoms. They get together to try to find a resolution, and as with most stories by this author, the ending isn't what you thought it would be. It's written well, but the focus isn't on the actual war (no major battles or bloodshed) but instead focuses on the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Book Information:

Disclosure: This book was purchased by me and any opinions are my own.



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