Get Caught Reading Month! Children's Book Week!

May is a great time to read books or be seen at the library or a favorite bookstore. May is Get Caught Reading Month and May 7 to May 13 is Children's Book Week.

Children's Book Week

Children's Book Week began in 1919 with the vision that children's books and literacy in general changes lives, and has now grown to include many different children's book events across the country nationally and locally. For more information on Children's Book Week, including how to donate, visit Book Week Online.

Get Caught Reading Month

Get Caught Reading is a month-long nationwide event to show how fun it is to be reading, and it encourages literacy along the way. It began in 1999 by the AAR, Association of American Publishers. On the Get Caught Reading website, you can download and purchase posters of celebrities reading. All posters are free; you just pay shipping and handling. For more information on the Get Caught Reading event, including ways for you to join in and how to subscribe to their newsletter, visit Get Caught Reading.

No matter which you celebrate, it's a great time to encourage everyone in the house to pick up a book. How will you be celebrating? :)

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