Ethan Pritcher, Body Switcher by Douglas E. Richards
My 4th grade daughter who is an avid reader herself, thoroughly enjoyed this book and devoured it in one sitting. Her review is below. The end of the book eludes to a possible sequel, or even a series with the character Ethan, and I'm hoping there is one soon. This appeals to both boys and girls.
Review from a 4th Grade Reader
I liked this book. Ethan Pritcher Body Switcher is about a boy named Ethan that changes bodies with a famous star, Roland Hossenfeffer, and gets into trouble with his bodyguard. Who the bad guys really are was a fun twist. I recommend this book to readers who like action books, and also funny books, because this was both. I hope this is a series because I would like to read more adventures from Ethan.
Book Information:
- Ethan Pritcher, Body Switcher by Douglas E. Richards
- Paragon Press, 2012
- ISBN13: 9780982628493
- Ebook version
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