Real Marriage by Mark and Grace Driscoll

The title of this book is Real Marriage: The Truth About Sex, Partnership and Life Together, but it could also be called "All The Things You Wanted to Ask Your Paster/Priest/Clergyman But Were Afraid to Ask". Real Marriage (Thomas Nelson, 2012, ISBN 9781404183520) by the husband and wife team of Pastor Mark and Grace Driscoll tackle all the usual questions about marriage and intertwine them with those topics that are difficult to ask.

The book is divided into three parts. Part One deals with Marriage: New Marriage, Same Spouse; Friend with Benefits; Men and Marriage; The Respectful Wife; and Taking Out the Trash. Part Two deals with the difficult subject of Sex: Sex: God, Gross, or Gift?; Disgrace and Grace; The Porn Path; Selfish Lovers and Servant Lovers; and Can We...? The last part, Part Three, is probably the most important in the book: The Last Day: Reverse-Engineering Your Life and Marriage.

Sometimes the book is a bit too harsh on Grace Driscoll and her actual and preceived indescretions, with no mention of faults made by Mark. In this way, it makes the book seem a little one-sided in parts and makes Grace seem flawed throughout the early years of their marriage together.

The Driscolls' have tackled an already difficult subject to counsel (marriage) but have added topics that many couples have questions about or have felt themselves but were afraid to put it into words. While the book deals with sex in a straight-forward manner, the entire book isn't all about sex. It is about helping couples help themselves be better people, thereby creating a real marriage that both parties want to spend the rest of their lives in.

Book Information:
  • Real Marriage: The Truth About Sex, Friendship and Life Together; by Pastor Mark and Grace Driscoll
  • Thomas Nelson, 2012
  • ISBN: 9781404183520
  • Hardcover, 249 pages

Disclosure: This book was provided to the author by the pubisher. Any opinions are the author's own.


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