Google AdWords by Anastasia Holdren

Online advertising for a company can translate into more sales if done right. Google AdWords is one form of advertising, and Google AdWords (Anastasia Holdren, O'Reilly, ISBN 9781449308384) is a great primer on setting up a Google AdWords account, how it is structured, and understanding campaigns and keywords. Anyone interested in setting up an account but didn't know where to start, this would make a good beginning.

There are eleven chapters in the book: Getting Started (intro to AdWords); Account Structure; Navigating Your Account; Campaign Settings; Understanding the Auction; Keywords; Writing Ads; Making Ads Stand Out; The Google Display Network; Additional Ad Formats; Bids, Budgets, and Billing; and Measuring Success.

Holdren's graphics and screen shots throughout the book highlight points she is trying to make. It also puts emphasis on areas that may be difficult to understand. Her helpful 'warning or caution' and 'tip or suggestion' icons make it easy to spot things that should not be ignored when first setting up the account and later finding ways to make it easier to navigate. This would be a very good book for anyone interested in starting a new campaign, or thinking about starting a brand new account.

Book Information:
  • Google AdWords; by Anastasia Holdren
  • O'Reilly Media; 2011
  • ISBN13: 9781449308384
  • E-book format

Google AdWords: Managing Your Advertising Program is available through Amazon or the publisher, O'Reilly.

Disclosure: This book was provided to the author by the publisher. Any opinions are the author's own.


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