Grandma's Back to Basics All Natural More Than Just a Cookbook by Teresa Thompson

Grandma's Back to Basics All Natural More Than Just a Cookbook by Teresa Thompson is a cookbook for people with allergies or food sensitivities. Thompson gives a good overview on what causes allergies in people in her introduction, and her story may give people who suffer from sensitives tips to help cope.

While this book does provide good tips and great sounding recipes, the errors in formatting made it hard to follow. For example, after the heading for the recipe Creamed Eggs is this phantom text "Strawberry S 1 1/2 cu2", which is on several recipes including the Pecan Candy Roll, Powdered Cereal, and others. Other errors are simply double text (Sweet and Sour Shrimp directly and right above the same text Sweet and Sour Shrimp).

There were numerous phantom text throughout the recipes, which I'm assuming came from poor proofreading, or perhaps appeared without anyone's knowledge just prior to printing. I'm not sure, but it looks like it started with the Strawberry Shake recipe since multiple phantom text entries include something with either strawberry, or strawberry shake in it. Since this book is the First Printing of a book published in 2003, I'm hoping subsequent editions will be fixed and edited correctly. This is unfortunate since the overall theme is a good one.

Book Contents and Chapters

The cookbook has nine recipe chapters: Appetizers; Beverages; Breads; Breakfast; Desserts; Sandwiches/Soups; Sauces/Dressings/Marinades; Vegetables; and Main Dishes. The recipes use unbleached sugar, sea salt, unbleached flour, and filtered water to create recipes acceptable to most individuals with food sensitivity issues.

Thompson provides a good range of recipes for any culinary palate. Her many tips for avoiding chemically laden products and food substitutions are helpful.

Book Information:
  • Grandma's Back to Basics All Natural More Than Just a Cookbook; by Teresa Thompson
  • Dorrance Publishing; 2003
  • ISBN: 0805962867
  • Softcover; 281 pages, no photos
Disclosure: This book was provided by the publisher to the author. Any opinions are the author's own.

More info:
Publisher book info and author bio.


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